When we experience a shaking in our lives, a disruption to how we have grown accustomed to living, it is uncomfortable to say the least! It is unsettling and scary! Suddenly we are facing the uncertainty of what will happen next. Our life can seem to be spiraling completely out of control. This is the all too real description of what millions around the globe have been and continue to experience daily during recent weeks. Job loss or that possibility, loss of retirement funds, inability to meet obligations, or worse no way to feed themselves or family. This has become daily life for many! Fortunately for most, unemployment benefits, stimulus funds, food banks and other resources are available to lessen the uncertainty and meet basic needs. For some that is not the reality, and even when it is, our lives have literally been turned upside down! It is very easy to allow panic to take over. If we do we cannot think clearly or make rational and wise decisions. It is vitally important to determine to live today, facing whatever challenges this day holds, and to face tomorrow’s challenges tomorrow.

For myself, the Bible gives me comfort and direction. Even more so this is true during unforseen or uncertain seasons in life. Scripture is God’s truth and roadmap for living my life. An example is found in Matthew 6:25-34. Jesus is teaching in this portion of scripture and reminds us our Heavenly Father knows our needs and will provide for us. He tells us in verse 34, “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring it’s own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.”

I believe God is allowing the shaking we are experiencing for a purpose. If you know anything about God and His Word, the Bible, you know in America we have turned from God and the way He instructs us to live the life He gives us. Because God loves us He warns us of impending danger and provides opportunity to turn to Him. The opportunity is for us individually and as a nation to turn back to Him. As the fire and brimstone preacher would say “REPENT”! Turn from the way we have been living and seek Him and His righteousness. If we do, He will heal our lives and our land. He is with those who believe in Him through whatever we face in life! Jesus has overcome and will help us overcome if we turn to Him and allow Him to lead us through the difficulties we face. He has been faithful to me in my life more than forty three years.

During this season of social distancing, let’s imagine we are walking with friends across a railroad trestle. We have come about halfway. We can see the light of the locomotive! We can hear the whistle blow! We hear the rumble of the engine as the trestle shakes beneath our feet! If we stay stubbornly where we are on the trestle, what might we imagine will be the outcome! I pray we allow the shaking to wake us up individually and as a nation to the MESSAGE GOD IS SENDING! Is there an idol in my life that needs to go? Is there sin or anything else keeping me from the fulness of what God has planned for my life? God will not accept half-hearted commitment or the leftovers we may choose to give Him. He requires first place, and asks us to give him our best. Why, because it confirms our trust in Him! After all, He has already given his best for us!





  1. Stanley:
    You are right. The shaking should awaken one to realities of their existence and circumstances. But, God gave me free will to choose and act accordingly. To most, I will presume the coming locomotive will be perceived as a danger, an immediate danger to which a response or reaction must be implemented or face the probability of life’s end. However, there are many who will deny there is a danger and seek to defy the impending doom by implementing protections until the doom passes then proceed on path believing all is well. How we perceive the “Shaking” and what we do as a result is the free will God has provided. He provides us with powers of reasoning to “do the right thing”. My prayer is that enough sense, learn, feel, think, believe and move on a path to “do the right thing”. A sadness exists that such will not be what happens.

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