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Month: November 2019



We go to great lengths to be in control of our lives and our destiny. Certainly a life being lived without clear direction generally results in chaos. A ship which has no one tending the rudder will most likely end up on the rocks or going in circles. So where do we find direction for our lives that we can trust and depend on? Who can we trust to help us navigate life? Even when we are moving in the direction we choose, and think we want to go, we don’t necessarily end up where we thought we were headed! For me, living out the choices I was making in my life turned out differently than I hoped or planned and prompted me to take a look at how my life was going. I realized I was not doing such a great job of running my life. When we experience failures in the choices we make, we begin to doubt our ability to choose wisely. We wonder if we are capable of making good choices! I believe we are shaped to a large extent by the teaching and direction we receive in early childhood from our parents and other adults in our lives. I was fortunate to have hard working, loving, honest parents who gave me a good foundation. Growing up on a farm five miles from the nearest small town, I did not face many of the distractions and temptations others face. Even so, I had my share of troublesome choices in my early years. I will share one example I remember vividly. As a child I had a savings account where money I earned was deposited. There was a water pistol I wanted in the worst way. I don’t remember if I asked my parents whether I could buy it, but I managed to withdraw money to purchase it and sneak it home. I put it in what I thought was a good hiding place. However, my parents found it and I had to fess up to what I had done. Some of the character issues this story uncovers would repeat themselves during my childhood and early adult years. Even with the good foundation I had, there were still many lessons to be learned. Some of the lessons would prove to be painful experiences.

If we are not grounded and directed by the Word of God, we are depending on our abilities, or worse, we are following the worlds ways which are fueled by greed and self indulgence. There is a misconception, a lie, that satan plants in peoples minds. He wants us to believe that surrendering our life to God is giving control to a dictator who will force us to do what we may not want to do, or that we become a puppet and God is the grand puppet master! In reality, that description fits satan and what he will do in a person’s life being lived apart from God and God’s principles. God extends free will to us, giving us the choice of accepting Him and following his principles or not. The principles in His Word are our entrance into a life to be lived as God intends! His ways work, when we choose to live life as He shows us in His Word.

God created us, and by His design no two of mankind are exactly alike! From the creation of Adam and Eve, billions of babies have been born, each being different than every other child. If God were not real and did not hold every aspect of life in His hand, there would be no explanation of this fact! I want to draw attention to several Scripture verses which speak of God’s love and intentions for us. Psalms 139:13-18 and 71:6, Proverbs 8:17,  John 14:21, 1 John 4:16-19, Ephesians 2:10, Ecclesiastes 11:5 and Jeremiah 29:11.

Perhaps like me, you realize the choices you have made are not resulting in the life you desired for yourself, the life you thought you could direct and make happen. If that be so, it’s most likely not the life God desires for you. He loves you so much! When you turn and take a step towards Him, He will meet you, and lovingly accept you right where you are! For forty three years He has proven himself faithful over and over in my life. If you will trust Him with your life He will be faithful to walk with you through whatever and wherever your life may lead. I know He will because He promises He will in His Word!