My wife Patty and I are grateful for the strong heritage of faith passed down to us from our parents. We see and take seriously, the importance of doing everything we can, to instill this importance within our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Our unwavering faith in God through our relationship with Jesus Christ, is the substance of our lives. We recognize each person is on their own journey, and if they come to faith, they must do so in their own way and time. The Bible clearly declares God’s love and His desire for relationship with each person. We know, by Scripture, He is working in each person’s life to bring them to Faith in Jesus, and grow them to spiritual maturity. As such, we can believe, in faith, for the salvation of each member of our family and extended family. We can believe for it in faith, because we know it is God’s will.

Growing up on a dry land wheat and dairy farm in western Kansas, I was introduced to country music at an early age. I listened to a country station out of Dodge City, as I cleaned the milking parlor after milking was completed each morning and evening. I am not sure when I first heard the song “Will the circle be unbroken”. Johnny Cash and June Carter, along with many country and non-country artists have recorded various versions.. The song found a special place in my heart, and it is one of my favorites. About 20 years ago, the Lord began to impress to me, I was to begin to pray for AN UNBROKEN CIRCLE for my family. I came to realize this directive would continue throughout the rest of my life. I believe it is a directive God has charged me with, and one I cannot disregard or allow to go unfulfilled. In our Faith journey, there will be pivotal times and events, we know have special significance. This has been one of those occurrence’s in my life, and continues to hold significance for me. Patty has joined me, and it has become an important part of our prayer life together as well. We know we are praying into the work of The Holy Spirit in the life of each member of our family and extended family. While they must each travel their own journey, we pray with an assurance of God’s faithfulness. We are standing against Satan and his attempts to keep our loved ones from their destiny in God and His plan for their lives.

We look for purpose, and desire our lives to somehow make a difference in the small part of the world we occupy. I can assure you, this directive has helped accomplish that in my life. Acts 16:29-32 declares a promise of Salvation for those who will believe. Whether or not we see the fulfillment of the UNBROKEN CIRCLE during our lifetime, we have the assurance we are believing and praying into God’s desire for each of their lives. We see with spiritual eyes, an unbroken circle, and a joyous celebration of ETERNAL LIFE with each member of our family and extended family present! Because Jesus, wearing a crown of thorns, (an unbroken circle) Him being one with God the father and the Holy Spirit, hung and died on a cross. Through His obedience, He opened a pathway to eternal life for each of us, and the possibility of an unbroken circle for our family.

Yet to ALL who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God (John 1:12 NIV)






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